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ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 17:35
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VIZIO 42" 1080p LCD HDTV Nov 8, 2011

这篇文章里照片所示的 VIZIO 42" LED HDTV 价格 $629.99 是一年前的老皇历(当时也是 Costco 的促销价 $779.99 - $150.00) 。目前同样型号(其规格也许有所改进)的电视机在 Costco 只卖 $499.99 (after $50.00 off)。Walmart 的价格是 $478.98。

... See more

这篇文章里照片所示的 VIZIO 42" LED HDTV 价格 $629.99 是一年前的老皇历(当时也是 Costco 的促销价 $779.99 - $150.00) 。目前同样型号(其规格也许有所改进)的电视机在 Costco 只卖 $499.99 (after $50.00 off)。Walmart 的价格是 $478.98。

[Edited at 2011-11-09 03:27 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Tsino papuntang Ingles
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汽油价 Nov 9, 2011

有些美国物价也是老黄历了。 $2.79/gallon 的汽油大概还是前年的事了. 那还是从几年前金融危机高潮期间的 $4/gal 多跌下来的。 今年年初由于利比亚等北非国家局势混乱, 这里油价又再次涨到 $4/gal 左右,但现在又逐渐降回到 $3.20 左右。 Anyhow, to get a full tank of gas could still easily exceed $50. And that is only for an average-size passenger car.

Also, a single or 2-person household food budget of $200/month is extremely low. That is almost the standard for folks on food stamps, which on average is about $4.50 per person per day.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Tsino papuntang Ingles
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人口爆炸 Nov 9, 2011

7 billion people. And counting ...

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Tsino papuntang Ingles
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$3.20/gal Nov 9, 2011

The car I drive has a tank size of 20 gallons. I usually gas up when it gets down to half a tank, and it costs about $40 to fill 'er back up.

Compact Cars
The 2010 models of compact cars have a wide range of tank sizes. The Mazda 3 can have a tank as large as 15.9 gallons or as small as 14.9, depending on the model. The Honda Civic tank holds 13.2 gallons. Other common cars include the Hyundai Elantra, which is listed at 14 gallons, and the Ford Focus, which has a 13.5-gallon tank.

The most common size of a 2010 sedan tank is 18.5 gallons. According to the manufacturer's websites, the Mazda 6, Hyundai Sonata, and Honda Accord all have an 18.5 gallon tank. Some sedan tanks are slightly larger, like the Ford Taurus at 19 gallon.

Because SUVs come in so many different sizes, it is difficult to assume an average size of a gas tank. Even within the same company, 2010 SUV gas tanks can vary greatly. For example, Ford's small SUV, the Escape, holds 16.5 gallons, but its much large Expedition holds from 28 to 33.5 gallons, depending on the model.

Like those in SUVs, the gas tanks on 2010 trucks vary widely depending on the size of the vehicle, though the industry standard is at around 26 gallons. Both the Ford F-150 and Chevy Silverado are right on the 26-gallon mark. Ford Super Duty truck tanks range from 26 to 37.5 gallons, and Dodge Ram trucks varies from 34 to 38 gallons.

ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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物价比较 Nov 9, 2011


这篇文章的有些观点是有点片面。例如,影响房价的因素很多,光是以多少钱一平米说明不了多少问题。在奥斯汀这样的中部城市,要想花10万美元买一套在普林斯顿价为80万美元的“两层楼、五间卧室、外加一个小花园”的房子,恐怕也是做梦。又如 Mercedes-Benz、BMW 汽车等,我们这里的人只是将它们视为普通交通工具,但在中国有许多人是将其视为身份的象征,再加物以稀为贵,经销商不宰这些人才怪呢。其它进口商品的情况也类似。不过,中国的房价、物价涨得太离谱,很多东西折成美元后都比美国贵,这也是事实。汽油价格很久以来也一直比美国贵。

ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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矮子里面拔将军 Nov 9, 2011

wherestip wrote:

今年年初由于利比亚等北非国家局势混乱, 这里油价又再次涨到 $4/gal 左右,但现在又逐渐降回到 $3.20 左右。


wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Tsino papuntang Ingles
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Where does the money go? Nov 9, 2011

ysun wrote:


这篇文章的有些观点是有点片面。例如,影响房价的因素很多,光是以多少钱一平米说明不了多少问题。在奥斯汀这样的中部城市,要想花10万美元买一套在普林斯顿价为80万美元的“两层楼、五间卧室、外加一个小花园”的房子,恐怕也是做梦。又如 Mercedes-Benz、BMW 汽车等,我们这里的人只是将它们视为普通交通工具,但在中国有许多人是将其视为身份的象征,再加物以稀为贵,经销商不宰这些人才怪呢。其它进口商品的情况也类似。不过,中国的房价、物价涨得太离谱,很多东西折成美元后都比美国贵,这也是事实。汽油价格很久以来也一直比美国贵。


确实是。国内通货膨胀得厉害我是完全相信的,可是这类文章作物价比较专捡一些 extremes 来夸大。 美国贫富悬殊是很大的。 富人购买高档货,价钱昂贵可想而知,但即便是大多数 middle class income people, 传统地说来也并不总是专捡便宜货来买的。

ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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Soaring labor cost Nov 9, 2011

wherestip wrote:

确实是。国内通货膨胀得厉害我是完全相信的,可是这类文章作物价比较专捡一些 extremes 来夸大。


拿进口汽车、奢侈品等的价格与国外比较确实缺乏说服力,但国内连大米白面、食油、鸡蛋、牛奶、猪肉等生活必需品都比美国贵,那就说不过去了。国内生活成本的迅速上升将对中国和世界经济产生深远影响。生活成本的迅速上升导致劳动力成本的相应上升(翻译行业似乎是例外)。从下面这篇文章就可见一斑。类似的报道还很多。外商们即使不把工厂撤回美国,也完全有可能把工厂撤到到印度、越南、泰国、马来西亚和墨西哥等地。说实在的,同样一种产品,我通常是偏向于购买 Made in China 的,因为总觉得中国出口商品的质量比较好。

China's soaring costs could help American jobs

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Tsino papuntang Ingles
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The price to pay Nov 9, 2011

ysun wrote:






I don't know. What we see here perhaps is an imbalance in agricultural and industrial development, with the result of the rich and privileged getting ever so richer, and the poor and disenfranchised getting ever so poorer?

I happened to go see the movie "In Time" yesterday, a science fiction thriller. The whole idea of "living time" being traded like a commodity of course is nonsense. But it does make one think about the agelong social injustice of the uneven distribution of wealth and inequality.

[Edited at 2011-11-10 15:13 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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杀鸡取蛋 Nov 9, 2011

wherestip wrote:


I don't know. What we see perhaps is an imbalance in agricultural and industrial development, with the result of the rich getting ever so richer, and the poor getting ever so poorer?





[Edited at 2011-11-10 02:49 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Tsino papuntang Ingles
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灰海洋 Nov 10, 2011

ysun wrote:



I see what you mean! I can't make heads or tails out of anything anymore ...

ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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Hazardous Nov 10, 2011

wherestip wrote:


DSC04398 copy


ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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GBP 400 vs. six months in prison Nov 11, 2011

UK: Student jailed for language test fraud

An article in the Economist reported that what is considered serious misconduct in the West— cheating on exams, fabricating, research data, ghostwriting or plagiarism— are routine practices and seldom punished. Prof. Rao Yi, a dean at Peking University, told AP, “Academic fraud, misconduct and ethical violations are very common in China... It’s a big problem.”


[Edited at 2011-11-12 02:10 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Tsino papuntang Ingles
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Revoked Offers for College Admission Nov 12, 2011

Revoked admission -- 取消录取? 取消入学资格? To me either one sounds like the more appropriate term for this situation. I would think some schools are stricter, and others laxer in enforcing their rules ...

Dismissal -- 辞退? To me the C
... See more
Revoked admission -- 取消录取? 取消入学资格? To me either one sounds like the more appropriate term for this situation. I would think some schools are stricter, and others laxer in enforcing their rules ...

Dismissal -- 辞退? To me the Chinese term sounds more applicable to employment. Perhaps in this instance it's an official euphemism used by the Chinese Embassy?

Expel from school, or expulsion -- 开除学籍?


[Edited at 2011-11-12 13:58 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:35
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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除名 Nov 12, 2011

Newcastle University 的用词是 exclude (除名),也许比“取消入学资格”严重些。“辞退”的说法确实是用词不当。
3. British English: to officially make a child leave their school because of their bad behavior

我认为,Newcastle University 对此事的处理还是比较稳妥的。尽管他们有权扣留有关学生的全年学费,但他们最后决定只扣除一个月学费,也许是鉴于这些学生是那些中介的“受害者”。
Newcastle University said many of the students appeared to be victims of bogus agents based either in China or the UK and who were paid to submit applications, including supporting documents, on their behalf.

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