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pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 13:54 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 13:54 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 12:54 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 13:54 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ...
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 13:54 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 13:54 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 13:54 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 13:54 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... 新春大吉!龍馬精神!Happy Year of the Dragon! | Feb 9, 2024 |
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pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 13:54 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 13:54 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 13:54 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 12:54 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... 不聊 Loong 与 Dragon 谁美谁丑,还是聊点实际的吧 | Mar 9, 2024 |
北京物价超过纽约: 中国大陆物价确实高了点儿
一财网 • 2011-07-14

自从新冠疫情爆发以来,美国物价也上涨不少,但最近已开始下降。与2009年相比,中国某些商品的物价也下降了不少,例如据网上介绍,长虹65英寸4K高清电视机价为1699元(够便宜!);而美国 Costco 店里三星牌(Samsung)65英寸 LED 平板电视机价格则为$399.99美元。当然不同牌号没有可比性,只能比个大概,但两国工资水平不同。例如,今年以来,丹佛市法定的最低小时工资改为$18.29/hr。换言之,拿最低工资者,工作三天即足以购买一台三星牌(Samsung)65英寸 LED 平板电视机。从另一方面讲,中国电视机价格下降,不知是否跟“毛衣战”影响了出口有关?胡锡进是极力主张以“保卫白头山血统”的精神打“毛衣战”的!
几年前,在美国的 Costco 和沃尔玛等百货商店里,中国商品占绝大多数,现在却被越南、泰国、斯里兰卡以及南美等国的商品取代。科技含量较高的产品,如大型家用电器、电视机等,则被墨西哥产品取代。例如,三星、LG、索尼等牌号的电视机,均在墨西哥生产。即使 Sony 85" X90CL Series - 4K UHD LED LCD TV,也是在墨西哥组装,每台价格为 $1,999.99美元。根据北美自由贸易协定(North American Free Trade Agreement,简称NAFTA,1994 年 1 月 1 日正式生效),墨西哥出口到美国的产品零关税。
在 Costco,仍能看到 Made in China 的小家电,如烧水壶、微波炉等,以及各种成衣,不过其价格似乎比“毛衣战”开打前更便宜。估计是东南亚、南美、墨西哥等国出口商压低价格的关系,也不排除中国大陆的出口商之间“煮豆燃豆萁”的关系(这些中国出口商一向都是如此:如果你的出口价格低,我就比你更低。真可谓内战内行、外战外行)!
[修改时间: 2024-03-09 14:44 GMT] | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 12:54 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... 美国人均年薪排行亞裔7.94萬元居冠 | Mar 9, 2024 |
星岛日报 2024-02-24平均年薪排行亞裔7-94萬元居冠/4771703
據《今日美國》報道,勞工部公布2023年第4季度的統計報告,整體國民的5.9萬元薪資收入按年增加5.4%,增幅雖然低於2022年的7.3%,但考慮到去年通脹率只有3.4%,因此民眾的購買力依然有所上升。數字同時反映,不同地區、年齡、性別、種族以及行業的從業者收入差距明顯,若以族群區分,亞裔的7.94萬元遙遙領先,其中男性收入平均更達9萬元;白人平均為6萬元,當中男性為6.4萬元;非裔與西裔的年平均收入分別為5萬元和4.59萬元,兩者都低於全國平均值。 | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 12:54 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 12:54 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... “炒杂碎” vs. “炒鱿鱼” | Mar 21, 2024 |
David Shen wrote:
我正好要写 Chop-Suey “炒杂碎”与 CHOP-Seattle,这下就不用炒了,整个拿来烤。
[Edited at 2020-07-02 16:07 GMT]

British Airways cabin crew sacked over sickening racist video mocking Asian passengers
Lauren Bray and Holly Walton have been sacked by British Airways after a viral video showed them making slant-eyed gestures - allegedly in reference to an Asian family they had served earlier
British Airways have sacked the two women over a video shared online (Image: Getty Images)
20 Mar 2024
Two members of British Airways cabin crew have been sacked after sharing a video that showed them mocking Asian passengers.
Lauren Bray and Holly Walton were dismissed by the airline after Ms Walton was filmed appearing to make slant-eyed gestures and saying in an imitation Chinese accent: "Give me wine".
The video was reportedly shared on Ms Bray's Instagram but was later uploaded to TikTok - causing uproar among members of the public and fellow BA employees.
One crew member is said to have branded their actions "hugely damaging."
In the footage, which was shot on a night out between flights at the luxury Trade Winds hotel in Antigua, Holly Walton appears to make slant-eyed gestures with a bottle of Wadadli beer in front of her while Lauren films. A caption on the video reads: "2 weeks in a row with this dickhead." Only a few hours earlier, the pair had served passengers on flight BA2157 from London Gatwick Airport.
Outraged colleagues claimed they had been mimicking a Chinese family they had served drinks to on the flight who spoke little English. One British Airways worker of Asian descent told the Sun: "I’m reeling from seeing this video. It makes me question the airline and my colleagues. Action has to be taken. We won’t stand for it."
Another said "the stupidity of this duo really beggars belief", and that they were "deliberately laughing at a family who struggled to make themselves understood on a busy flight". The newspaper reported that Ms Bray was witnessed leaving a meeting at the airline’s HQ in "floods of tears"on Monday.
British Airways confirmed the two women were no longer employed by them. A spokesperson said: "All forms of racism are completely unacceptable, and we take allegations of this nature very seriously. These two individuals are no longer employed by us."
Cambridge Dictionary
Sack verb
to remove someone from a job, usually because they have done something wrong or badly, or sometimes as a way of saving the cost of employing them
2017-07-25 来源: 新华网广东频道
Cambridge Dictionary
in floods of tears
phrase UK
crying a lot:
I found her in floods of tears in the toilets. | | |
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