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wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 12:56
Tsino papuntang Ingles
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U.S. Student Visa Apr 18, 2014

ysun wrote:

SAT exam draws China students to Hong Kong


Things sure have changed. I believe in the '80s, all a foreign student needed was a sponsor's guarantee of financial support, and a decent interview with the U.S. consulate to obtain a student visa?

ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 12:56
Ingles papuntang Tsino
+ ...
Great changes Apr 18, 2014


Yes, the past 30 years or so indeed have seen great changes in this aspect. In the '80s, most of the Chinese students couldn’t afford to study abroad. If someone wanted to study in the U.S., he must have a sponsor and present Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, to a U.S. consul
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Yes, the past 30 years or so indeed have seen great changes in this aspect. In the '80s, most of the Chinese students couldn’t afford to study abroad. If someone wanted to study in the U.S., he must have a sponsor and present Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, to a U.S. consulate in order to obtain a student visa.

However, the U.S. government soon discovered that a lot of the sponsors were just helping the students in cheating the U.S. consulates. They didn't really provide financial support to the students. Those students had to work illegally to support themselves once they entered the U.S. So, it became extremely difficult to obtain an entry visa for those students who wanted to come for undergraduate study. For a graduate student, he usually must get full financial support (scholarship and/or TA/RA stipend) from a U.S. graduate school he planned to attend. Otherwise, it would also be very difficult for him to obtain a visa. Nowadays, a lot of the Chinese people become rich and can afford to send their kids abroad for study. It becomes relatively easier to obtain a student visa to the United States.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 12:56
Tsino papuntang Ingles
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今昔 Apr 18, 2014

Thanks, Yueyin. That explains it.

With the written essay portion being phased out, it makes it even easier for a Chinese native to score well on the SAT, I imagine.

ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 12:56
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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SAT scores Apr 18, 2014


Yes, I think so. The math and grammar portions of SAT, GRE and GMAT tests are very easy to the Chinese students. However, SAT scores are only one of the many factors that drive admission decisions by the American colleges and universities.

pkchan  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 13:56
Kasapi (2006)
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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加西亚 马尔克斯《百年孤独》 Apr 23, 2014

2014年04月22日 20:20:38 來源: 新華網

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2014年04月22日 20:20:38 來源: 新華網



[Edited at 2014-04-23 17:56 GMT]

pkchan  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 13:56
Kasapi (2006)
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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Shaunna Mar 1, 2007 Apr 24, 2014

百年孤独 Mar 1, 2007

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:

在美國的 Latinos 一堆,學西班牙語機會非常多,而且西班牙語很容易入門,難的是要進入文學欣賞需要較長的時間,因為西班牙文文學除了西班牙本土文學之外,拉美的更是風情萬種。

Gabriel García Márquez 的文字確實迷人,但也很要命。我到今天才只讀過他的 Cien años de soledad (百年孤寂) 和一些零散的議論�
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百年孤独 Mar 1, 2007

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:

在美國的 Latinos 一堆,學西班牙語機會非常多,而且西班牙語很容易入門,難的是要進入文學欣賞需要較長的時間,因為西班牙文文學除了西班牙本土文學之外,拉美的更是風情萬種。

Gabriel García Márquez 的文字確實迷人,但也很要命。我到今天才只讀過他的 Cien años de soledad (百年孤寂) 和一些零散的議論短文。要進入拉美文學還是讀 Isabela Allende 來得容易些,因為 Allende 的句構比較簡單,詞彙也不複雜,可以當枕邊故事讀。Márquez 的東西不太好消化,非得全神貫注不可,太緊張了。另外,墨西哥的 Carlos Fuentes 或阿根廷的 Jorge Luís Borges 也容易些。

你在美國把握機會,跟那些 Latinos 混在一起,兩年之內可以達到他們高中程度的語文水平。我一些親戚就是這樣學會西班牙語的。

Shaunna Mar 1, 2007



[Edited at 2014-04-24 13:27 GMT]

Estados Unidos
Local time: 13:56
Ingles papuntang Tsino
+ ...
今昔 Apr 27, 2014

通过 这个链接还读到一些 当时论坛 对译文的讨论, 感觉讨论得非常细致入微。 虽然大家各自所持角度不同, 可是气氛很和谐. 顺路又到另外2栋 “旧楼”参观了一下, 发现论坛曾经热闹非常, 那时的成员有的竟能连续每天都发十几个帖子 (我发 一 两个帖子还老是前思后想, 担心出错误解,考虑不周呢)。

同时很感叹且敬佩这里几位资深坛友的内涵, 度量, 和对完美至真不懈的执着。

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 17:56
Kasapi (2013)
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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Moderator ng forum na ito
也好奇看了看 Apr 27, 2014

QHE wrote:

通过 这个链接还读到一些 当时论坛 对译文的讨论, 感觉讨论得非常细致入微。 虽然大家各自所持角度不同, 可是气氛很和谐. 顺路又到另外2栋 “旧楼”参观了一下, 发现论坛曾经热闹非常, 那时的成员有的竟能连续每天都发十几个帖子 (我发 一 两个帖子还老是前思后想, 担心出错误解,考虑不周呢)。

同时很感叹且敬佩这里几位资深坛友的内涵, 度量, 和对完美至真不懈的执着。

也出于好奇看了看七年前的讨论条目,觉得氛围好像比现在好 - 看得出大家比较认真,都抱著谦虚学习的精神,讨论时只以事论事、互相尊重和鼓励,充分展示出一份专业态度。不会像现在偶尔会出现只顾个人表现(翻译能力),或情绪上的发泄,而没有在同仁的翻译建议上自己再加以推敲、搜寻去得出结论。有时候甚至怪人家没提供足够信息,或人身攻击(直接/间接)者。其中原因不一。个人估计可能受目前国内网上论坛不良风气影响,也可能是个人性格(不成熟)/操守(缺乏)问题所致。幸好发生情况只是少数。 大多数坛友都抱著谦虚向学、互相尊重的精神来讨论翻译问题。

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 12:56
Tsino papuntang Ingles
+ ...
思前想后 Apr 28, 2014

QHE wrote:

(我发 一 两个帖子还老是前思后想, 担心出错误解,考虑不周呢)。

Same here. I used to do that a lot; but not anymore. There's of course reasons behind the change, but it's probably not something to be advertised.

Anyway, anything you respond to my posts, you have nothing to worry about. I know when someone just happened to pick a bad choice of words, versus when someone is just plain being nasty.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 12:56
Tsino papuntang Ingles
+ ...
How your income tax burden stacks up May 2, 2014

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 12:56
Tsino papuntang Ingles
+ ...
Simultaneous interpreting or just reading from a pre-written script? May 2, 2014

Are any of you guys watching the Angela Merkel, Barrack Obama joint news conference at the White House being broadcast live?

Merkel hardly opened her mouth, and the interpreter already spouted forth a whole bunch of blather. What gives?

[Edited at 2014-05-02 16:43 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 17:56
Kasapi (2013)
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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Moderator ng forum na ito
script already given to the interpreter? May 2, 2014

wherestip wrote:

Are any of you guys watching the Angela Merkel, Barrack Obama joint news conference at the White House being broadcast live?

Merkel hardly opened her mouth, and the interpreter already spouted forth a whole bunch of blather. What gives?

[Edited at 2014-05-02 16:43 GMT]

Might the interpreter be given her script already to ensure absolute accuracy? Perhaps it's just poor timing as the interpreter got nervous in such an important occasion too and opened his/her mouth sooner than the speaker.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 12:56
Tsino papuntang Ingles
+ ...
pet peeve May 2, 2014

David Lin wrote:

wherestip wrote:

Are any of you guys watching the Angela Merkel, Barrack Obama joint news conference at the White House being broadcast live?

Merkel hardly opened her mouth, and the interpreter already spouted forth a whole bunch of blather. What gives?

Might the interpreter be given her script already to ensure absolute accuracy? Perhaps it's just poor timing as the interpreter got nervous in such an important occasion too and opened his/her mouth sooner than the speaker.

It must be. But I'm not very fond of listening to "simultaneous interpretations" like this.

[Edited at 2014-05-02 19:44 GMT]

pkchan  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 13:56
Kasapi (2006)
Ingles papuntang Tsino
+ ...
星期一到星期日的有趣英文翻譯 May 6, 2014


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[Edited at 2014-05-06 20:12 GMT]

pkchan  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 13:56
Kasapi (2006)
Ingles papuntang Tsino
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李克強夫人跑行程 甜美女翻譯暴紅 May 6, 2014


夫人程虹現為英文教授 在家說英語是常事

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夫人程虹現為英文教授 在家說英語是常事


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[Edited at 2014-05-06 19:03 GMT]

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茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题

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