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ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 13:03 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... Sarkozy sentenced to jail for corruption | Apr 23, 2021 |
Sarkozy: Former French president sentenced to jail for corruption
French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy has been sentenced to three years in jail, two of them suspended, for corruption.
He was convicted of trying to bribe a judge in 2014 - after he had left office - by suggesting he could secure a prestigious job for him in return for information about a separate case.
Sarkozy, 66, is the first former French president to get a custodial sentence.
His lawyer says he will appeal. Sarkozy will remain free during that process which could take years.
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pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:03 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... Happy Mother's Day | May 9, 2021 |
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pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:03 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:03 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ...
David Shen Estados Unidos Local time: 11:03 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... After watching a teenager's passionate speech | Jun 12, 2021 |
斗争哲学两三代...... (孩子,你所有的问题?)
D.S.2021.0612.a | | |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:03 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:03 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:03 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ...
Steve Li Australya Local time: 05:03 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ...
Yongmei Liu wrote:
加油啊,希望父母同意呀, 男孩子是一个外国人吧? 之前第一封不知道回复是啥, 一年以后还要写第二封。 | | |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:03 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:03 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
David Shen Estados Unidos Local time: 11:03 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... Winter Solstice 2021 | Dec 23, 2021 |
【沈氏吟草】 《2021年冬至二则》
D.S.2021.1222.b | |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:03 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
快要到中国新年啦,作为澳洲幼儿园老师,最近都在想要设计什么活动来让小朋友了解中国文化。跟澳洲同事科普了一下红包和饺子,发现虽然他们都吃过饺子,但吃饺子蘸的料却跟我们大不同,让我有点惊讶也有点想要尝试一下。不过话说回来,北方人跟南方人的蘸料方式也很不同呢。还想要介绍年兽,但是不知道该怎么翻译年兽最合适哈哈。讲年兽的故事会把小朋友吓到吗哈哈。提前祝大家新年快乐啦~ | | |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:03 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
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