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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Tagapagpost sa thread: chance (X)
chance (X) French papuntang Tsino + ... TOPIC STARTER
我在等另一本将在六月出版的书“Une caste américaine",J. Mac Arthur 说是专门写给法国人的,介绍美国有关方面,我希望看到的是奥巴马获胜后的美国,当然不只因为他在战前就态度明确,不是事后诸葛亮,而是因为他对美国的问题看得很清楚,而且有面对的勇气和魄力。
[Edited at 2008-06-01 10:56] | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 17:25 Tsino papuntang Ingles + ...
其实这本书并没有说什么新的. 许多事实 部分新闻界和社会舆论 早已有所报道或谣传. 所以你大概对美国社会还是不够了解的.
没有一定的社会舆论, 依我看 Scott 的这本书也不会在此时出版. But for the fact that it is a first-hand account by an administration insider providing a lot more convincing details, there's really nothing entirely new.
说到辩论, 我至今还不知咱俩到�... See more chance,
其实这本书并没有说什么新的. 许多事实 部分新闻界和社会舆论 早已有所报道或谣传. 所以你大概对美国社会还是不够了解的.
没有一定的社会舆论, 依我看 Scott 的这本书也不会在此时出版. But for the fact that it is a first-hand account by an administration insider providing a lot more convincing details, there's really nothing entirely new.
说到辩论, 我至今还不知咱俩到底在辩论什么. 我直接问了你几回, 你都不予以回答. The only thing I knew you were not convinced about was some facts quoted from the English wikipedia page of the Iraq war. I tried to provide more supporting evidence, even resorted to linking portions of Saddam's own confession. But unfortunately that kind of material was not suitable for this forum.
我个人认为大家并没有什么观点上的根本分歧. 至于法国有没有先天之明, 那只有天知道了
[Edited at 2008-06-01 11:09] ▲ Collapse | | |
chance (X) French papuntang Tsino + ... TOPIC STARTER 正因为我知道 ”许多事实部分新闻界和社会舆论早已有所讲述 “ | Jun 1, 2008 |
wherestip wrote:
其实这本书并没有说什么新的. 许多事实 部分新闻界和社会舆论 早已有所讲述或谣传. 所以你大概对美国社会还是不够了解的.
没有一定的社会舆论, 依我看 Scott 的这本书也不会在此时出版. But for the fact that it is a first-hand account by an administration insider providing a lot more convincing details, there's really nothing entirely new.
说到辩论, 我至今还不知咱俩到底在辩论什么. 我直接问了你几回, 你都不予以回答. The only thing I knew you were not convinced about was some facts quoted from the English wikipedia page of the Iraq war. I tried to provide more supporting evidence, even resorting to linking portions of Saddam's own confession. But unfortunately that kind of material was not suitable for this forum.
我个人认为大家并没有什么观点上的根本分歧. 至于法国有没有先天之明, 那只有天知道了
[Edited at 2008-06-01 11:09]
[Edited at 2008-06-01 11:19] | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 17:25 Tsino papuntang Ingles + ... 每个人都有自己的信仰和做人的准则 | Jun 1, 2008 |
什么是讲理、什么是狡辩、什么是开个玩笑, 每个人都可自己判别.
有些东西不便说, 有些东西不必说. Saddam Hussein 战前具有 WMD 当初全世界都有共识. 打不打这一重大问题上是有很大分歧的. 我至今是这样认为的. 我就说这么多 - 再多说又犯规.
[Edited at 2008-06-01 12:01] | |
QUOI Tsino papuntang Ingles + ... |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 18:25 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ...
[Jurors caught playing Sudoku abort $1m drug trial 9:23am
AFTER 105 witnesses and three months of evidence, a drug trial costing $1 million was aborted today when it emerged that jurors had been playing Sudoku since the trial's second week.]
在8月做陪審員時,不把Sudoku 機或報紙帶進法庭,以免浪費納稅人的金錢,令毒犯消遙法外。期盼中國亦有陪審員的制度。 | | |
redred Tsina Local time: 06:25 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ...
记得十多年前那个棒球明星杀妻案,就是同陪审团裁定无罪释放。 | |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 18:25 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... 且看石一歌文革打手的本色 | Jun 13, 2008 |
1、 是天灾,更是人祸�... See more 余秋雨《含泪劝告请愿灾民》全文
1、 是天灾,更是人祸;
2、 官方宣布,这事法院不受理;
3、 五个境外记者拍摄这种场面时被公安“短时间拘留”,询问他们的身份;
4、 难道地震真使中国民主了吗?
为此,我要含泪向这些请愿灾民作如下劝告—— ▲ Collapse | | |
QUOI Tsino papuntang Ingles + ... 4000奥运,290798文明 | Jun 13, 2008 |
More than 4,000 children in China have been given the name Aoyun, meaning Olympic Games, in the past 15 years.
There are 290,798 registered Civilisations.
[Edited at 2008-06-13 07:49] | | |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 18:25 Kasapi (2006) Ingles papuntang Tsino + ...
[Edited at 2008-06-14 21:27] | | |
magic magic Tsina Local time: 06:25 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... 个人家安空调是个很普通的话题,安与不安,只是个人喜好罢了 | Jun 15, 2008 |
[quote]chance wrote:
Zhoudan wrote:
看来楼主对中国国内的情况还是不太了解的 | |
magic magic Tsina Local time: 06:25 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ...
abinitio wrote:
是个赶时髦的做法 | | |
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taiwan Local time: 06:25 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ...

pkchan wrote:
屋前的牡丹 | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 17:25 Ingles papuntang Tsino + ... |
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