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Search results: (1182 matches)
ForumThemaÜberschriftTextVerfasserDatum job systems Illegal use of data from profile Profile no longer exists I found out about the stolen profiles issue and
about this thread through Henry`s email
notification. I searched OSR and found my name
and profile on it. I used the forgot PW feature
Walter Landesman Aug 14, 2009 job systems Am I too much suspicious ? (email concerning a job) Agree [quote]Lionel_M wrote: ... just tell me how you
give, as TEST, part of the document to translate
? In general, for tests, agencies use texts
already translated hundred times and proofr
Walter Landesman Aug 7, 2009 job systems Am I too much suspicious ? (email concerning a job) Me too Lionel, I received the same email today, but
for the English to Spanish pair. Budget was USD
0.07/word, they said. They also said there was
going to be an unpaid translation test.
Walter Landesman Aug 7, 2009
Spanish El uso de "Please" Sírvase Coincido con Henry. Yo tiendo a traducir el
"Please" por "Sírvase" en el caso de
instrucciones o incluso en notas o
escritos. Claro, en el ejemplo de George -
donde "Please" es rep
Walter Landesman Aug 7, 2009
Money matters PayPal Seller Protection Policy?! Phishing [quote]Natalie wrote: Are absolutely sure that
you really dealt with Paypal and not with some
fraudster? Natalia [/quote] Yes, that is
called phishing. When you received that
Walter Landesman Jul 28, 2009
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Cannot open a PayPal account from Argentina You should wait 3 weeks [quote]Valeria Donzelli wrote: Hi! Sorry for
maybe not following the discussion, but I would
like to ask you, especially translators from
Argentina and abroad (outside the US) if you h
Walter Landesman Jul 22, 2009 Translator Coop New home page layout for non logged in visitors good! It looks as a good improvement to me. Congraz,
Walter Landesman Jul 10, 2009
Money matters How long a free "test" translation are you asked to do? Beware Very often the agency sends a "free sample test"
of about 500 words to you, another piece to
another colleague and so on, all of them different
pieces of the same source text. In doing s
Walter Landesman Jun 26, 2009
Money matters How long a free "test" translation are you asked to do? 100 words Free sample translations, if you are willing to do
it, should no longer than 100 words.
Walter Landesman Jun 26, 2009
Spanish Pregunta a los colegas del Uruguay muy caro Los giros bancarios no son convenientes porque las
comisiones son muy elevadas.
Walter Landesman Jun 24, 2009
Spanish Pregunta a los colegas del Uruguay PP Bruno: Paypal es la respuesta para mi. Hay
mucha información sobre ello en el foro en
español y particularmente en este mismo, el de
Walter Landesman Jun 24, 2009
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Cannot open a PayPal account from Argentina Requirements [quote]Argentine Translator wrote: I have also
tried to open a Personal PayPal account and they
asked me again for a credit card number.
[/quote] Of course, you do need a credit ca
Walter Landesman Jun 18, 2009
Money matters Too many victims of notorious non-paying agencies on BB BB [quote]Mónica Algazi wrote: I understand only
paying members can access the Blue Board. Am I
wrong? [/quote] You are right, Mónica. The
BB is free for paying members. This is on
Walter Landesman Jun 7, 2009
Money matters Beware of Frauds ! Agree [quote]ksbtranslation wrote: In this
connection, I will be pleased to share some clues
you may find useful to identify a fraud. Here
are the clues: - No entry in Blueboard (Proz)
Walter Landesman Jun 6, 2009
Money matters What should I do when asked for a discount for repetitions and working with no CAT tool? No discounts This thread is not about CAT tools, but about
requested discounts. With a CAT tool you may
get in a glance how many repetitions you have. And
so what? The same word/term may have a
Walter Landesman Jun 3, 2009
Reports to members Mid-year report to members, 2009 Disagree [quote]Silvia P. wrote: WE HAVE TO MAKE CLEAR
proZ should prevent agencies or companies to be
able to post jobs with their rate! This w
Walter Landesman Jun 2, 2009
Spanish Magdalenas mantecados Lucrecia: Las maGdalenas argentinas (sí, se
escribe con G) son bollos que tradicionalmente se
denominan mantecados en Uruguay. Aunque por la
influencia argentina, es cada vez más com�
Walter Landesman May 29, 2009
Money matters What´s the best rate for Proofreading? All of the above Agree with all the above comments. USD 10/hour is
outrageous. You should also be sure the job is
proofing and not editing. You may charge by the
hour on an edition job, but a proofing
Walter Landesman May 26, 2009
Spanish TIRAMOS TODO, un artículo de Eduardo Galeano Marciano Durán en EE UU y Canadá Presentando su nuevo libro "La cuestión es darse
maña": DEL 23 AL 25 DE MAYO OTAWA-
Ontario-CANADA Congreso de Ciencias Sociales y
Humanidades. Asociación Canadiense de
Walter Landesman May 18, 2009
Spanish Renovar membresía? Maura: Los pasos que dices que has dados son
los correctos. Debes tener en cuenta que sólo
en este sitio hay 2909 traductores de diversas
partes del mundo en tu mismo par. Y - mira
Walter Landesman May 15, 2009
Money matters The target language the client wanted is not the one I translated into - what to do? 2 x 1 How can you be sure the client is not trying to
get two translations (into two different
languages) for the price of one? How do you
know the client is not going to use
both? Mo
Walter Landesman May 15, 2009
Spanish TIRAMOS TODO, un artículo de Eduardo Galeano el verdadero título y el final verdadero Y para seguir con la justicia, trascribo de la
página de Marciano (el vínculo que proporcionó
Elena), en referencia a la falsa autoría de este
texto a E. Galeano : [i]En enero de 20
Walter Landesman May 13, 2009
Spanish TIRAMOS TODO, un artículo de Eduardo Galeano Marciano Durán Elena tiene razón. Marciano Durán es un autor
uruguayo del interior del país. Para hacerle
justicia y que lo conozcan mejor, comparto con
ustedes este artículo de prensa sobre él:
Walter Landesman May 13, 2009
Spanish ¿Traducción de nombres geográficos? Lo mismo No voy a repetir argumentos. David lo ha dicho
más que claro. Totalmente de acuerdo con
David. Suerte.
Walter Landesman Apr 3, 2009
Money matters What is "BACS"? Disregard it. [quote]Lutz Molderings (MSc, BSc)
[/quote] Well, according to this information,
it doesn`t look like a reliable or efficient
system you
Walter Landesman Mar 26, 2009
Money matters What is "BACS"? Ask Hi Sandra, I`ve no idea, not a clue. Never
heard of it. Be straightforward. Why don`t you ask
the client? :)
Walter Landesman Mar 26, 2009 Translator Coop Good Bye to all Mistake Hi Henry, I know he`s been here for long. And
you are just confirming it. That`s why I wanted
to point out this probable mistake / wrong data in
his profile for him or site staff to
Walter Landesman Mar 18, 2009 Translator Coop Good Bye to all membership Hi Uwe, You say you have been with Proz for
eigth years. However, your profile says
"Registered at Jul 2008." That is less
than one year. How is that? A mistake, a bug? You
Walter Landesman Mar 18, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Apart from not being available, for which other main reason do you turn down jobs? Almost all al the above As a colleague has already suggested, some of this
poll should have a multiple voting option. My
reasons are 1. Rate is too low. 2. Not my
area of expertise. 3. The deadline is
Walter Landesman Mar 18, 2009
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Source word count for proofreading Proofreading vs. reviewing. It seems you mean reviewing, not proofreading.
Proofreading deals with the final product and
checks grammar, spelling, syntaxis, structure,
etc. You don`t even look to the source text.
Walter Landesman Mar 17, 2009 Translator Coop "P" symbol - WHO makes the decision about competence? See Rule #12 [quote]ariffo wrote: Shortly after it was
announced, someone opened a thread similar to this
one, asking about the screening process and other
relevant issues. That thread was
Walter Landesman Mar 15, 2009
Money matters Bye-bye, and - see you soon! Thanks a lot. Dear Ralf, You were always available and ready
to help. And we all knew you did it with no delay.
Thank you again for you kindness and
efficiency. See you around the site. Wal
Walter Landesman Mar 15, 2009 Translator Coop Should the "P" symbol be for internal eyes only? Agree [quote]Yaotl Altan wrote: Can't we discuss
another isues? Do you really think life on
Earth (or eventually, in Proz) will change if we
keep talking 9 or 10 pages about this "P"?
Walter Landesman Mar 14, 2009 Translator Coop Should the "P" symbol be for internal eyes only? On the sunny side of the street Hey guys, Why so many negative vibrations and
resentment? You are focusing on the "negative"
(according to some) aspects of the site instead of
focusing on the bright side. This is a
Walter Landesman Mar 13, 2009 Translator Coop Should the "P" symbol be for internal eyes only? Requirements [quote]Paul Cohen wrote: The "P" badge
certifies, among other things, that you maintain
"good online citizenship", in other words, you
respect the ruleZ of the site and treat your
Walter Landesman Mar 13, 2009 Translator Coop Should the "P" symbol be for internal eyes only? Are you really, Paul? [quote]Paul Cohen wrote: [quote]Walter Landesman
wrote: Why would you want to hide the
P? [/quote] Excellent question. I'm
already hiding my "P". [/quote] Really?
Walter Landesman Mar 13, 2009 Translator Coop Should the "P" symbol be for internal eyes only? Disagree [quote]Paul Cohen wrote: I have a proposal.
Let's remove the "P" as a search option in the
public directory. [/quote] I strongly
disagree with this proposal. The P option in
Walter Landesman Mar 13, 2009 Translator Coop Blue Board: I would like... Agree with Fabio Yes, Fabio. You`ve said it all. BTW, already
in 2005 Aurora Humaran wrote and published here
"Avivando colegas - Traductores argentinos:
Walter Landesman Mar 13, 2009
Language Industry Events & Announcements Clarification and announcement regarding posting of events in forums Powwow [quote]Christine Andersen wrote: I think I have
kept within the rules. A local group have been
trying to run a monthly informal meeting at a
café, which I have posted in the Danish fo
Walter Landesman Mar 11, 2009
Spanish Yo también renuncio como moderadora. Muchas gracias a todos. Gracias María José: Gracias por tu dedicación,
interés, amabilidad y responsabilidad como
moderadora. Gracias también por tu
aclaración. Los prozianos "de a pie" no
terminamos de
Walter Landesman Mar 7, 2009
Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay Un moderador se despide Motivos Estimado Fabio: He seguido con atención las
varias renuncias de moderadores. Lamento en
particular la tuya, tal vez en forma egoísta :)
porque sos el "nuestro" y le has puesto tanta
Walter Landesman Mar 6, 2009
Spanish Dilema sobre el uso de la palabra "negro" en cuestionario Discrepo con Tadzio [quote]Carvallo wrote: Por lo tanto, te sugiero
que elimines la palabra "Negro" y sólo dejes
"Afroamericano", que es el término que se emplea
comúnmente en los EE.UU. [/quote]
Walter Landesman Mar 2, 2009
Spanish Dilema sobre el uso de la palabra "negro" en cuestionario Correcto Para mí tu traducción y tu explicación son las
correctas. Walter
Walter Landesman Mar 2, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: What is your preferred tool for creating invoices? Word I was wondering why a Word option wasn`t available
in this poll. Maybe because nobody used it? Maybe
just me? :eek: I am glad I am not the only one.
So now I feel encouraged to make the
Walter Landesman Mar 2, 2009
Money matters Fake company in the member's profile? ID verification for agencies [quote]gianfranco wrote: On this issue, and
restricting the view to only, probably it
would not be a bad idea to create some kind of
VID program for companies. I'm sure th
Walter Landesman Feb 27, 2009
Money matters The real value of the Blueboard Agree w/Cristina [quote]Cristina Heraud-van Tol wrote: I also
agree with the excellent value of the Blue Board.
It has saved me sometimes from accepting jobs from
lousy companies. As stated by Proz:
Walter Landesman Feb 24, 2009
Money matters The real value of the Blueboard So? [quote]Rod Walters wrote: My best clients
aren't on there. [/quote] And that means
Walter Landesman Feb 24, 2009
Translation Article Knowledgebase Announcing "Articles Knowledgebase" A week? [quote]Yelena Pestereva wrote: I wonder if
there is any deadline for approving an article.
If, for example, I submitted it 2 days ago, when
will it be published? [/quote] A submitted
Walter Landesman Feb 11, 2009
Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay IVA a la exportación de servicios de traducción desde Uruguay Es así- Mauricio: No, no estás equivocado. Si bien en
otro hilo (bajo otro título), ya Lucía había
presentado el tema. (
Walter Landesman Jan 31, 2009
Money matters Paypal or Moneybookers??? Is this a shorcut? [quote]Sandrine Zérouali wrote: What sort of
information do Moneybookers or Paypal need? They
need our bank account number? Do we have to give
the card number to them, if I have one? How
Walter Landesman Jan 27, 2009


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