Freelance translators » Portuguese papuntang Ingles » Sining/Pampanitikan » Enerhiya / Pagpapatakbo ng kuryente » Page 4

Below is a list of Portuguese papuntang Ingles freelance translators specializing in translations in the Sining/Pampanitikan: Enerhiya / Pagpapatakbo ng kuryente field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

231 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Kathryn Rees
Kathryn Rees
Native in Ingles Native in Ingles, Spanish Native in Spanish
spanish, technology, pharmaceuticals, tourism, Basque Country
Dan khatri
Dan khatri
Native in Ingles (Variants: Canadian, British, US, UK) Native in Ingles
English, Russian, Tajik, Uzbek, Danish. Trados 2011, Tradso 2022, Translation, Subtitling, Transcription
gareth stonier
gareth stonier
Native in Ingles (Variants: Scottish, British, UK, Irish, US, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand) Native in Ingles
spanish, english, Legal documents, Nutrition, Business, Commerce, Government, Politics Footwear, clothing manufacturing, Cooking, ...
Eduardo Ramos
Eduardo Ramos
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese, Ingles Native in Ingles
Eduardo Ramos, Eduardo Jai Ramos, Technical and Literary Translation, certified translator, translator, Portuguese native, English native, multilingual, Portuguese, English, ...
Sergio Carré
Sergio Carré
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
Tradução, inglês, português, espanhol, aplicativos, jogos eletrônicos, marketing, governo, política, administração pública, ...
Romina Pérez Escorihuela
Romina Pérez Escorihuela
Native in Spanish (Variants: Standard-Spain, Argentine) Native in Spanish
interpreter, portuguese, financial, English, Spanish, consecutive, simultaneous, conference, interpretation, translator, ...
Manuela De Andrade
Manuela De Andrade
Native in Aleman (Variants: Austrian, Swiss, Germany) Native in Aleman, Portuguese (Variants: European/Portugal, Mozambican, Angolan, South African, Brazilian, Cape Verdean) Native in Portuguese
Handbücher, Kochbücher, Tourismus, technische Übersetzung, Automotive, Landmaschinen, Landwirtschaft, portuguese, technology, , ...
Carlos Labazuy
Carlos Labazuy
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
Alix Chace
Alix Chace
Native in Ingles Native in Ingles, Spanish Native in Spanish
Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, French, Spanish tenders, legal contracts, telecommunications, engineering, biopharma, chemical industry, market research, ...
Jefferson Azevedo
Jefferson Azevedo
Native in Ingles (Variant: US) Native in Ingles, Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
portuguese, português, portuguais, portugués, english, inglês, anglais, inglés, spanish, espanhol, ...
Lesley S, MA
Lesley S, MA
Native in Ingles Native in Ingles
publicly certified translator, English translator, environment, renewable energy, sustainability, corporate translations, banking translations, editorial translations, newspaper articles, compliance, ...
Stefan Johansson
Stefan Johansson
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese, Swedish Native in Swedish
Francisco ABREU
Francisco ABREU
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
aeronautics, automotive, defense, mechanics, energy, heavy machinery, oil, gas, mining, robotics, ...
Hugh Lawson-Tancred
Hugh Lawson-Tancred
Native in Ingles Native in Ingles
German, law, Italian, French, Spanish, legal, contracts, Dutch, Swedish, Polish, ...
Karen Brovey
Karen Brovey
Native in Ingles Native in Ingles
Davidson G O Fatima
Davidson G O Fatima
Native in Portuguese (Variants: European/Portugal, Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
Portuguese, English, Spanish, English to Portuguese, Spanish to Portuguese, Portuguese to English, Translation, Localization, Transcreation, Review, ...
Ben Kohn
Ben Kohn
Native in Ingles Native in Ingles
Translation, translations, transcriptions, Portuguese translator, Portuguese interpreter, portuguese translation, interpreter in Brazil, Russian, technical translations, legal translations, ...
Carlos Cisneros
Carlos Cisneros
Native in Spanish (Variants: Mexican, Latin American) Native in Spanish
Certificates, specifications, contract, agreement, technical, technology, project, chemical, patents, safety, ...
Roy Kamp
Roy Kamp
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese, Aleman (Variant: Germany) Native in Aleman
MemoQ, Trados, FrameMaker, Illustrator, across, transit, SDLX, wordfast, technische Dokumentation, Betriebsanleitungen, ...
Monica Reis
Monica Reis
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
brazilian_portuguese, legal, oil&gas, HR, marketing

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