Translation glossary: Pat Capo

Showing entries 1-19 of 19
French to Italian
ai ratei di 13° e 14° mensilitàaccrued 13th and 14th month;y pay 
Italian to English
attivo creditarioAccounts Receivables/Notes Receivables 
Italian to English
avvocatura generale dello statoAttorney General's Office 
Italian to English
concretezza costituzionale odiernatoday's constitutional reality 
Italian to English
Cuadro de resultadosConto Economico 
Spanish to Italian
garanzia dei creditoriincreases the security guarantee of the creditors. 
Italian to English
istituto codificatois enunciated in the code of... 
Italian to English
Microinterruttori di sicurezza e ripari in policarbonatosafety micro-switches and guards in polycarbon 
Italian to English
outreach social groupgruppo di assistenza sociale esterna 
English to Italian
performance in actual servicerendimento all'atto pratico 
English to Italian
pharma companies have staked out the moral high ground on the issuel'industria farmaceutica ha impugnato la difesa della moralita' sul tema 
English to Italian
pre-selling an architectural projectpre-vendita del progetto architettonico 
English to Italian
proximidad de comercioproximity to trade points 
Spanish to English
English to Italian
ti vo\' la fronteI would like to crown your head with roses 
Italian to English
time deposits land or other investmentsdepositi vincolati, terreni e altri investimenti 
English to Italian
unione industriali di bergamoBergamo Industrialists Association 
Italian to English
without discount for timing of payments and any lease or purchase entered....senza sconti relativi ai tempi di pagamento.. 
English to Italian
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