Newsletter: January 2009

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(1) Winners announced in first "annual" translation contest
(2) New web-based invoicing tool released for members
(3) Join with a first quarterly payment of €32.50
(4) Certified PRO network: It is working, report participants
(5) now available in Greek
(6) First of 2009 to be held this weekend in Dortmund
(7) New calendar shows all events in one place
(8) Upcoming conference in Wrocław
(9) Free webinars well received. Some videos available online.
(10) groups now exist on Facebook and LinkedIn
(11) New service: corporate training packages
(12) Times and dates now shown more conveniently site-wide
(13) Upcoming powwows: Rome, Dortmund, Sevilla, London, etc.
(14) Curso de corrección ortotipográfica y comunicación escrita
(15) SDL Trados training sessions in London
(16) Formations Wordfast, Déjà Vu et Projet T3000 à Paris et Nice
(17) SDL Trados Schulungen in Bonn und München
(18) Εισαγωγή στο Trados
(19) SDL Trados-cursus in Utrecht
(20) Cursos de SDL Trados en Madrid
(21) Семинар «Интернет-фриланс для переводчиков» в Харькове
(22) Corso di formazione online sulla Traduzione di siti web

(1) Announcing the winners of the 1st "annual" translation contest

Winners have been announced* in the first "annual" round of's translation contest. (All previous rounds of the contest have been considered "quarterly".)

This round was by far the most competitive to date, with over 900 entries submitted in 85 language pairs. In the most active pair -- Spanish to English -- there were a remarkable 58 submissions. In very tight voting, Esteban Flamini edged out Rosa Alonso for the win.

Impressive though their victories were, the group of winners showed humility in a survey conducted after the close of the contest. Some 84% of winners report that the feedback they received from peers via "like" and "dislike" tags was helpful, and a full 97% said that they would improve their entries based on what they learned during the competition.

If you did not participate, reviewing comments made by participants may help you to understand what makes the contests challenging and fun:

- "The text plays sarcastically with orthography errors... The decision of which mistakes in Portuguese should replace the ones presented in the text was the most challenging for me."

- "Hats off to the winner (and the others too) for their ingenious substitute English errors."

To see the winners, go to:

* Winners are yet to be determined in four of the 85 language pairs. When the minimum number of votes is received, the contest will close and the prize drawing will be held. 5 of the voters and winners will receive iPods, and one will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to a conference somewhere in the world.

(2) New web-based invoicing tool released for members

If you are a member, part of's mission is to provide you with tools that you can use to streamline your operations and work more efficiently.

Along those lines, and spurred by recent discussions among participants in the Certified PRO network,'s developers have created a new web-based invoicing tool. An early version of this tool, with a limited set of core features, is now available for testing.

If you are a member, you can review and test the feature by going to: (Membership is required, but participation in the Certified PRO Network is not required.)

A 2nd update ("beta") was released this week, and some have already found it satisfactory enough to begin using. (One member wrote: "It is really a tool that I've been searching for.") If you are looking for a new or web-based invoicing solution, check it out and provide feedback to make sure the solution meets your invoicing needs:

CLS Communication UK is running language-neutral courses covering the main areas encountered by financial translators. Suited to junior financial professionals looking to specialise in this area, they are 2 day courses and will be held in CLS's London offices. For more information, please visit and click on company, events.

(3) Join with a first quarterly payment of €32.50

As a freelancer, you are running a business. And in business, it is important to keep a constant flow of potential new clients, regardless of the economic climate.

To make it even easier for you to boost your client flow, has prepared a new quarterly payment option. Now, you can now join for an initial payment of just €32.50. Payment will renew quarterly, and you will have the option of canceling at any time.

Never has joining the site been so affordable. And -- as is always the case -- if you are dissatisfied with your membership for any reason, you are entitled to a prorated refund under's satisfaction guarantee.

To take advantage of this offer and become a full member of -- the world's leading community of translators and the number one source of new clients for translators -- go to: The earlier you do so, the better your chances of seeing results in the form of your bottom line this year.

Ensure you are ready for 2009 with SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance! Buy today and save an exclusive 20% - Try the ROI calculator to see how much you could save! Offer ends 28th February 2009.

(4) Certified PRO network: Participants report that program goals are beginning to be met

The " Certified PRO Network", an initiative first announced in October, has as its goal identifying and bringing together translators who meet a certain standard for translation ability, business reliability and "good citizenship". Those accepted into the network have the opportunity to interact in an environment composed entirely of screened professionals. They also earn the " Certified PRO" title and seal, which may optionally be displayed in profile pages and elsewhere on or off the website.

The program began with a small group of professionals meeting certain screening criteria. As more professionals joined, they in turn recommended others, and so on. Now, over 1400 professionals have been admitted to the program, and participants have begun to explore new forms of cooperation, such as referrals, job teams, proofreading circles and more. Results of the group effort are beginning to show.

Comments from program participants:

"The Certified PRO Network is great. [Another member] asked me to team up with her as a translator-reviewer couple for one of her new clients. I met her at a powwow and I think it will be nice to work with her."

"I'm happy to say the new clients contacting me are more specific to the sectors I am happiest working in..."

"Being a Certified PRO has increased my visibility as a professional translator and widened my scope of opportunities in the global arena. In fact, I have been offered two jobs by a reliable international translation agency."

If you are a professional translator and you have not yet looked into the Certified PRO Network, you are invited to take a few moments to learn more. Applying takes some effort, but the indications are that the process is proving worthwhile for many.

The Certified PRO Network is being provided as a service to members, with no additional charge. To learn more about the program, and the screening criteria, go to:

The next step in Translation Memory has arrived!
Wordfast announces the release of World’s #1 platform-independent TM software. Enhanced file format support, high-speed batch processing, and more.

(5) now available in Greek

Thanks to all of the localization team members who have worked diligently to create an updated version of in Greek. To view the site in Greek go to:

When working on the newly localized interface, you will find a link to the localization team leaders' and volunteers' profiles at the bottom of every page. You are kindly invited to provide feedback about the localization directly to the localization team leaders.
Thanks again to all of the localizers for the very significant effort they have put into this project!

(6) First conference of the year to be held this weekend in Dortmund

The first conference of 2009 will be held this weekend in Dortmund. See:

Additional conferences will be held in various places over the course of 2009. Venues already announced include:

* Wrocław, Poland - event to be organized in cooperation with LSP Software
* Adelaide, Australia - jointly conducted with AUSIT

More venues will be announced in the coming weeks and months. See the conferences page for details:

(7) New calendar shows all powwows, trainings, conferences in one place

A new calendar has been created to show all events -- powwows, trainings and conferences -- in one place. See [Menu: Community > Events calendar]

This feature was announced yesterday and numerous suggestions for improvement have been made by members:

Are you a new LSP? Get ahead in 2009 with our new Start Up Package - Buy 1 SDL Trados 2007 Professional and receive 1 SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance FREE, Buy online - Hurry, offer ends 15th February 2009!

(8) conference in Wrocław on March 28th and 29th

There will be a Conference on March 28th and 29th in Poland, in the city of Wrocław. This event is organized by Magda Dziadosz, Danuta Ciechorska and Agenor Hofmann-Delbor of LSP Software. LSP Software is the co-organizer.

For more information, see: (111 regs)

(9) Free webinars extremely well received - some videos now available online.

During December, a week-long series of free webinars was offered in cooperation with's vendor partners. Over 500 ProZians took advantage of the offering, exceeding expectations. Both translators and vendors benefited, and a big thank you goes out to the professionals who conducted the sessions.

Several of the webinars were recorded and are available to members in the new video download center at

Topics include software from OmegaT, Alchemy, Wordfast, Beetext, Across, SDL, MemoQ and more.

By the way, the plan is to grow out this new video section of the site. If you have created or own video content that you would like to share with the rest of the community, or know someone who might, please email staff member Drew {drew at}.

Translation Staff Finder - The problems associated with finding qualified people to work in the translation & localization Industry just got easier is for translation industry job seekers and for employers who want nothing less than to hire them.

(10) groups now exist on Facebook and LinkedIn
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ members who use Facebook and LinkedIn are now connecting with each other in "official" groups in each of those sites. Search groups at both sites for "", and then request admission if you are interested in connecting with other members in this way, too.

"After using for one month Alchemy PUBLISHER, I 'd say it is
excellent." "It is a very easy tool indeed”. "This tool is much richer than Catalyst: I reused memories accumulated using other tools
without any problem" "I imported files in different formats (Word,HTML,XML) without so much as a hiccup."

(11) New service for translation companies: corporate training packages

As part of 2009 training program, offers a new service for translation companies: corporate training packages.

Keep your staff up to date on the latest tools and techniques with custom courses delivered at the time and date of your convenience, optionally from the comfort of your own offices. Connect with's international network of experienced professional trainers to help you improve your work and expand your business.

If you would like to have a certain type of training at your premises, please contact Soledad: "{soledad at}"

Flow SaaS is the ideal entry-level project management solution for freelancers, available for a low monthly fee. A WEB BASED system with NO long term contract and NO large up-front costs. Now’s online community members will also benefit from FREE training and waived set up fees. Please visit:

(12) Times and dates now shown more conveniently site-wide

After a site-wide overhaul of the way times and dates are handled, it is now possible to see dates and times on shown in your preferred time zone and format (12- or 24-hour clock, for example).

As an additional convenience, the time in other member's areas is shown when appropriate; it will be clearer, for example, when viewing a members' profile, that for the person you are viewing, it is the middle of the night.

Member Kristina Mijic wrote: "Displaying both GMT and local time in the page heading is very useful and makes it much easier to calculate the time difference, in particular when quoting for a job."

To customize display of times on, and to make sure your clients know what time it is for you, confirm that your time zone is set correctly:

To discuss the feature or request additional improvements, go to:

(13) Upcoming powwows: Rome, Dortmund, Sevilla, London, etc.

Free, informal meetings of members ("powwows") are planned in the following areas over the next two months:

29: Rome, Lazio, Italy (26 members)
30: Dortmund, Germany (16)
31: Sevilla, Spain (12)
31: London, UK (26)

1: Dortmund, Germany (9)
7: Cardiff, UK (5)
7: Torino, Italy (14)
7: Leiden, Nether. (43)
7: Cuenca, Ecuador (5)
13: Los Angeles, US (9)
14: Warszawa, Poland (19)
20: Stavropol, Russian Federation (3)
21: Predeal, Romania (5)
21: München, Germany (2)
22: Nottingham, UK (8)
27: São Paulo ..., Brazil (7)
28: Bristol, UK (6)
28: Florence, Italy (2)

5: Vienna, Austria (12)
7: Florence, Italy (12)
7: La Plata, Argentina (16)

No powwows in your area? Setting one up is as easy as picking a time, date and place (often, a restaurant or coffee-house)! The rest happens automatically... See

(14) Curso de corrección ortotipográfica y comunicación escrita en Madrid
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ anuncia su Curso de corrección ortotipográfica y comunicación escrita, impartido por Alberto Gómez Font (coordinador general de la Fundéu) y Xosé Castro Roig (traductor y corrector), dos profesionales de la lengua con una vastísima experiencia en esta área. Ambos han dado talleres, seminarios y cursos en empresas, universidades, medios de comunicación e instituciones públicas y privadas de toda España y Latinoamérica.

En este curso de ocho horas de duración, el alumno mejora su comunicación escrita, aprende métodos y recibe consejos que le permiten corregir o redactar ideas con claridad y concisión. Asimismo, aprende a aprovechar mejor las fuentes de consulta —tanto impresas como electrónicas— y los programas informáticos de uso diario, con los que puede redactar sus comunicados en menos tiempo y con menos dudas y errores.

Lugar: Madrid.
Fecha y horarios: viernes 6 de febrero de 16:00 a 20:00 hs y sábado 7 de 10:00 a 14:00 hs
Programa del curso:

(15) SDL Trados training sessions in London

For hands-on training sessions with top professional tools, check out training sessions.

February 7. “Hands on” Beginners Course – An introduction to Trados

March 28. “Hands on” Beginners Course – An introduction to Trados

May 9. “Hands on” Beginners Course – An introduction to Trados

Spots fill quickly in some areas, so check now for these and other sessions in your area:

Remember that you also have the option of individual online sessions. See:

If you are an experienced trainer with references, and would be interested in offering a session in your area, or would like to see a certain type of training in your area, please contact Soledad: "{soledad at}"

(16) Formations Wordfast, Déjà Vu et Projet T3000 à Paris et Nice

Si vous désirez suivre des formations pratiques sur les derniers outils professionnels n'hésitez pas à consulter la page des Formations :

3 février, Paris - Formation Wordfast pour débutants (Niveau 1)

17 février, Paris - Formation Initiation à Déjà Vu X

23 février, Nice - Formation aux Logiciels de Gestion de Projet T3000 et Projetex – Niveau 1

21 avril, Nice - Formation Wordfast pour Débutants – Niveau 1

Les places sont rapidement prises par endroits, aussi n'hésitez pas à vérifier la page des formations et voir ce que nous proposons dans votre région :

Et n'oubliez pas - vous avez également la possibilité de suivre des sessions de formation individuelles en ligne. Pour plus d'informations, voir :

Si vous êtes un formateur expérimenté et diplômé et aimeriez dispenser une formation dans votre région, ou si vous voulez suggérer une formation en particulier, n'hésitez pas à contacter Soledad "{soledad at}"

(17) SDL Trados Schulungen in Bonn und München

Für praktische Schulungen auf professionnellen Spitzentools, besuchen Sie die Training Webseite auf:

2. Februar, Bonn - Trados-Schulung für Einsteiger

3. Februar, Bonn - Trados-Schulung für fortgeschrittene Benutzer

10. März, Munich - Trados-Schulung für Einsteiger

11. März, Munich - Trados-Schulung für fortgeschrittene Benutzer

13. März, Munich - SDL Trados Multiterm

Es sind noch Plätze frei aber die Schulungen sind erflogreich! Also verlieren Sie keine Zeit, gucken Sie mal unsere Schulungen in Ihrer Gegend:

Und vergessen Sie die individuelle online Schulungen unter auch nicht!

Sind Sie ein erfahrener und diplomierter Trainer? Haben Sie daran Interesse, Schulungen zu geben oder haben Sie eine Schulung-Idee? Kontaktieren Sie Soledad: "{soledad at}"!

(18) Εισαγωγή στο Trados

Κατόπιν επιθυμίας της κοινότητας, το οργανώνει ένα εισαγωγικό σεμινάριο TRADOS στην Αθήνα.

Ημερομηνία: 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

Παρακάτω θα βρείτε τον σύνδεσμο για την ιστοσελίδα από την οποία μπορείτε να εγγραφείτε και να διαβάσετε αναλυτικές πληροφορίες για το σεμινάριο.

Καθώς η διαθεσιμότητα είναι περιορισμένη, σας προσκαλούμε να εγγραφείτε και να ολοκληρώσετε την πληρωμή σας για να εξασφαλίσετε τη θέση σας.

(19) SDL Trados-cursus in Utrecht
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ organiseert cursussen “SDL Trados voor Beginners” en “SDL MultiTerm” in Utrecht.

Hieronder vindt u koppelingen naar de webpagina’s waarop u zich kunt registreren en waar u meer informatie over deze cursussen kunt lezen.

SDL Trados voor Beginners – 16 februari 2009

SDL Multiterm – 17 februari 2009

Het aantal plaatsen voor deze cursussen is beperkt. We raden u daarom aan u zo vlug mogelijk te registreren en het inschrijvingsgeld te betalen, zodat u er zeker bij kunt zijn.

(20) Cursos de SDL Trados en Madrid
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ anuncia sus cursos de SDL Trados para los próximos meses en Madrid.

Curso de TRADOS I Teórico Práctico
Fecha: 17 de febrero de 2009
Programa del curso:

Curso de TRADOS I Teórico Práctico
Fecha: 10 de marzo de 2009

Curso de TRADOS I Teórico Práctico
Fecha: 21 de abril de 2009

Para matenerse actualizado con las últimas herramientas del mercado, ampliar su oferta de servicios y ser un exitoso traductor en el mercado internacional, participe en los cursos de capacitación de

Recuerde que también tiene la opción de cursos de capacitación a distancia

Si usted es un profesional con experiencia y está interesado en realizar cursos para traductores en su zona, puede escribirnos a Soledad: "{soledad at}"

(21) Семинар «Интернет-фриланс для переводчиков» в Харькове

Ставший уже традиционным, этот двухдневный семинар поможет переводчикам сориентироваться на международном рынке. Участники семинара узнают о том, что представляет собой работа через интернет, какие проблемы поджидают их на пути и как их следует решать. Профессиональные переводчики смогут получить ответы на многие вопросы, касающиеся стандартов, качества, отношений с заказчиками, финансов, налогов и других аспектов фриланса.

14 марта. Семинар «Интернет-фриланс для переводчиков», Часть 1

15 марта. Семинар «Интернет-фриланс для переводчиков», Часть 2

Просмотрите программу, и, если она представляет для вас интерес, регистрируйтесь для участия в этих и других семинарах. Информацию о них можно найти здесь:

Если вы – опытный наставник, ваши лекции или тренинги пользуются популярностью, и вы не прочь провести сессию на ту или иную тему, напишите Соледад по адресу: "{soledad at}"

Get a FREE Babylon license!
Babylon Ltd., creator of the renowned dictionary software, initiated a Translator Outreach. Translators joining the program will be granted a free Babylon license, a worthy assisting tool. This initiative emphasizes that no machine translation can ever replace human translation.

(22) Corso di formazione online sulla Traduzione di siti web
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ è lieta di annunciare la quarta edizione del suo Corso di formazione online sulla Traduzione di siti web che ha riscosso molto successo anche nella seconda edizione conclusasi in questi giorni. Leggi il feedbac

Le lezioni saranno sia individuali che collettive; si farà anche uso di conferenze web che permetteranno a tutti i partecipanti di frequentare vere e proprie classi online, dialogando in tempo reale con il docente e gli altri colleghi.

I posti sono limitati per cui ti consigliamo di acquistare il tuo posto al più presto.

Clicca qui per visitare la pagina del corso.

Se hai bisogno di chiarimenti sul corso scrivi a Soledad: "{soledad at}"

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